Monday, November 29, 2010

Green Plastics reflection

How are these plastics being developed? These plastics are being made from natural resources like the sugar from corn and sugar cane. They can string all of the molecules together to create plastic that can be reused into other plastics, cloths, and even rugs. It also doesn't require any fossil fuels or take up any space in land fills.
What makes these plastics "green?"
These plastics are made of natural resources that are easy to grow and don't require access mining. It can also be formed and molded into other plastics, cloths, and rugs. They are completely re-usable so it won't take up any space in landfills. They are natural and the factories won't relies the toxins into the air.
What are some issues with plastics that were mentioned? There are a few problems with the green plastics. One of which is that it takes a good amount of space to grow the corn the plastics are made of. A concern is that we are using too much space to make plastic then to feed people. Once the corn is growing they need to be sprayed with several types of pesticides and fertilizer. Once the corn is grown they have to harvest it. They use big machines that produce smog into the air. Once the corn is in the factories, it needs to be molded and packaged. They use machines for this job, and those machines run on energy. The energy used is the same amount as making the conventional plastics. Another problem is that if the plastics do end up in a landfill, they take just as long to decompose as conventional plastics, and this takes it's toll on the environment.
How might these green plastics change packaging practices?
We use so much plastic that we have created islands the size of Texas in the middle of our oceans. Most of this is plastics bags and packaging. With new bio-plastics, most of these could be recycled and the pollution we produce would drop dramatically. Another thing is that the Bio- plastics are flimsyer then conventional plastics. This could enforce the use of cloth and paper bags why buying groceries, eliminate the rings around six pack ,and stop selling individual packs (uh-hem Pudding cups!). In about 20 years we estimate that 20% of the plastics we use will be green, and that would help the environment in so many ways.


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