Sunday, November 28, 2010

Food INC. reflection

After watching Food Inc, what are your impressions of how science of food industry, technology of food industry, and society are interrelated?
After watching food INC I have a clear understanding of how all of the elements are connected. The science of the food industry allows us to butcher large amounts of animals without using too much space, time or food. Science has allowed us to genetically modify animals so that they grow twice as fast and are twice as big. We now wait half the time we use to growing chickens and they are twice as big. This is where the technology comes in. We have programed machines to do all of the killing skinning, cleaning, and packaging so that companies dothe food industry's don't have to hire employees and save a buck. The public ties into this all. We buys the meat and other food companies send out and eat it without a second thought as to where it came from. Our food industries are allowed to sneak things right under our nose with the governments protection, and are likely to succeed in what can really be classified as animal abuse.
How did the film describe science & technology as a positive or negative impact on society or the environment?
The film described the science and technology used by the food industry as a negative. With the science and technology, companies can now slaughter, skin, package, and sell in half the time they use to. With the machines they don't have to hire new employees and can get more food into the grocery store faster. With new genetically modified animals, they grow twice and fast and are twice as big. This is what is allowing food companies to bloom.
How do our consumer choices affect what is out on the market and therefore, our own species survival?
When we purches the food the industries , this supports their mass production of our live stock. We are funding animal abuse. If we could support more food - friendly sources, industries would be forced to slow down. Unfortunately food that is animals friendly is often expensive and not locally grown. but if everyone bought "happy meat" for a just a week, I'm sure it would be enough to shut down these companies. How are we as humans connected to how the Earth is used?
Humans are the reason our earth in in trouble. We have polluted it to a point where we burned a hole in the ozone. We have pushed our need for food and choices to a point where it is no longer sanitary for the environment or the few people who work in the factories. Earth can only provide so much for the entire human race and we are taking advantage of it. We have less then a lifetime f resources left and we have pretty much destroyed life for our next generation. There are people who are doing things to try and help save our planet, but unless we make a drastic change soon, we are in big trouble.
When do we say "no" to more high tech devices and go back to what caused the problem in the first place? Why are we only into the "HOW" things work and not the "WHY" things don't? What did this farmer mean?
Food is not on the top of the list of things that need to be saved on our planet. I think that as soon as we figure out the ozone and other pollution, over population, overfishing, global warming, and peace throughout the world is when we will start working on the food problems. This would have to be a radical multi- million dollar process and probably won't happen in the next 50 years. We have spent the last decade and millions of dollars perfection the high tech equipment we use to slaughter animals and to take that all away will take time.
What is the difference between natural farming and industrial farming? Which is better? Are they both necessary for human survival? Why or why not?
Natural farming is what use to be efficent. It is where you grow a natural amount of livestock and slaughter and clean them by hand in decent amounts. Industrial farming is what we depend on today. We keep animals in tight places,genetically modify them and kill them in massive amounts. This is what we have come to depend on, and now if we decided to stop, there aren't enough natural farmers to produce the meat and crop we consume. Now that we have altered the food industry, we probably don't need natural farming anymore, which is really scary. In the last 100 years food has changed more than it ever had, and this is the price.
If technology and industry have improved so much that we are getting faster, fatter, bigger, and cheaper, how are science and technology held responsible for improving or ruining human health and survival?
Food doesn't change this much, this fast on it's own. We have found the science to speed this process up and the outcome is much more efficient. If we had kept farming naturally of not found the science we would have a completely different food industry. Technology doesn't help this either. We have created machines that compliment the science. We can now slaughter the thousands of animals we create in a day then natural farmers probably kill in a month. Improved technology and science has change the way we eat.

What economic costs, environmental costs, ethical costs, health costs, and cultural costs did you observe while watching the film?

During the film some of the health cost of eating food shocked me. There was a little boy who had eaten a hamburger and died of E. Coli. This should have changed the way we farm, but even after several law suits, the companies are still protected by the government. What the food was doing to the environment was also amazing. All the machines need to be powered and they consume a drastic amount of energy in a day. We need space to store our livestock so we have miles and miles of land devoted to keeping cows. Ethics is not a word in the food dictionary, if it was things would probably be different.
Finally, state your final thoughts about this film and any changes you see happening in the food industry in the future or even your own eating habits.
I'm not sure I can see any changes in the food industry occurring in the next 50 years. I hate to say it but I have little faith in the ethics of the food industry. I am trying to change the way I impact the world. I don't eat meat
very often and when I do it's from local markets. I can try and buy local grown food and try not to consume as much (he hem thanksgiving) It might not be much but i'll do my part

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