Wave Simulator
The wave simulator was a really cool way to observe wave behavior. When we tested waves in class, we had to observe with the naked eye and sometime didn't catch everything we needed. With the wave simulator, you can catch everything that happens and it also shows you a little graph of whats going on. You can pause it and look at the measurements and adjust the frequency and wavelength. Some of the things I observed while toying with the wave simulator was that the higher the frequency, the faster the wave moved. And that the size of the drop that came out of the little faucet had a huge effect on wavelength. It was really cool to observe the graph while this was going on and see how these things measured and not have to watch the waves on a little ruler in a big plastic tub. I'm really glad we found the wave simulator because I think once I play with it a little more it could be really handy for labs. Its also easy to take home so if you don't finish all your tests in class you can still have an accurate test and information.
So, what did you find when you tested the waves with barriers? What happens when the drop is big? When there are two faucets? How do the waves change when you have two barriers? Is this similar to what we did in class?