Analisis of owl prey
Questions from lab
When analyzing our owls prey we can definitely conclude that our owl loves it's voles and rats. Based upon the class rank voles are the most commonly preferred food among the owls in our class. Yummy! I'm guessing that 35 insects are definitely more energy expensive way to dine. When you catch one 35g vole, you only have to find,swoop, and grab. As for 35 1g insects you have to fly around and find 35would take bugs, chase them down, and frankly by that time the owl probably would have found some other source of food. If the shrew population decreased, it would effect the entire food chain. The shrew is eats and is eaten by many other organisms in the food chain. If the shrew goes, the animals that eat it will have lost their main source of food and this could effect the carrying capacity, causing other organisms to start depleting. The owl will then have less to eat, which will again trigger the carrying capacity .
Further inquiry
Our analysis might not be reliable because about half of our bones were gone when we looked for them. We did the best that we could with what we had and otherwise we have accurate data. Next time we could probably put cerran wrap over our bones so that we can have accurate info.
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