Friday, March 11, 2011

Propertys of sound lab

Distance away from middle

Description of sound


Deep (very quiet)


Deep but getting louder


Deepish and getting louder


Getting higher and louder


High and sharp

Thickness of rubber band

Description of sound


Dull and low


Sharp and high

Tightness of rubber band

Description of sound


Dull (doom)


Middle (thwang)


Sharp (muwah)

Length of rubber band

Description of sound


Sharp (32)


Thwang (28)


Deep (23)

For this lab we tested the different components of sound given different situations. We test bands for thickness, length, tightness, and other components that may effect the sound. As maria and I worked, we found lots of different reasons that would effect the way things sound. During our tests, we found that the thicker a material, the more dull or low the sound would turn out. The thick and short strings we tested made sounds we could hardly hear. And on the other hand, the longer and thinner the rubber band, the sharper and higher the sound would be. When we tested the long, the thin, and the stretchy bands, they made much better and louder sounds. Also, tightness effected the sound. We found that the tighter a band, the sharper the sound and the looser the band, the duller and less prominent the sound. This tells me a lot about how sound travels and how the medium can effect it so much. This tells a lot about ow sound would travel through water, as oppose to wood or rock. Knowing this is going to help me make a lot more predictions in labs to come

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