Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Reflection on presentation

Mr. Watts presentation was amazing. I had a third grade teacher who went to Antarctica and ever since then I have been super curious about different people who go there and the different things they study. We learned a lot and this is some of what I remember. Some of the interactions I noticed were between the krill, the whales, and the Algae. The Krill need the algae because that's what they eat, the whales need the krill because that's what they eat and the algae needed the iron in the whales poo to be able to grow. Another is the hunter pray relationship between seals,penguins,squid,and fish. If there weren't seals and penguins around the squid and fish would overpopulate. The seals balance out the penguins. When the animals migrate it usually means its getting to hot or to cold. They often go somewhere more climate controlled. They also try and follow the food they eat or to where its easier to get like seals probable move with the penguins and fish. They also have their children when the food is easiest to get so they don't have to worry about their young starving. Animals also tend to reproduce when the climate is moderate and animals that lay eggs try and lay before the other animals start to have kids so that their baby's have a better chance of survival. Animals being as smart as they are have adapted thick layers of blubber and fir that makes them invincible to the cold. Pregnant seals conserve a thick layer of blubber and body fat to keep their young healthy and be able to give them what they need to grow. They also group together to conserve body heat. Penguins do this and can take fair turns as to who's in the middle where its warm and toasty and who's on the outside where its not. We are studying survival in class and these creatures are learning to live in one of the harshest climates in the world. They know that they need each other to survive. Right now I am wondering about the krill. There some of the most populous animals in the wold and yet there at the bottom of the food chain. I wonder if they know that they need to rapidly reproduce in order to survive. I know they have a good environment to live in but it amazes me that their doing so well.

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